Pekudei Mar. 29 - 29 Adar
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Vayikra April 5 - 7 nissan
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tzav April 12 - 14 nissan
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Pesach, april 13-14 - 15-16 nissan
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pesach April 19 - 21 nissan
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shemini April 26 - 28 nissan
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tazria-metzora may 3 - 5 iyar
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Acharei-kedoshim may 10 - 12 iyar
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emor may 17 - 19 iyar
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behar-bechukotai may 24 - 26 iyar
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bamidbar may 31 - 4 sivan
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Shavuot June 2-3- 6-7 sivan
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naso june 7 - 11 sivan
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bahalotecha june 14 - 18 sivan
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Shelach june 21 - 25 sivan
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korach june 28 - 2 tammuz
Dedicated in honor of the Rebbe
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chukas july 5 - 9 tammuz
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balak july 12 - 16 tammuz
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pinchus july 19 - 23 tammuz
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matot-masei july 26 - 1 av
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devarim aug. 2 - 8 av
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vaetchanan aug. 9 - 15 av
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eikev aug. 16 - 22 av
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re’eh aug. 23 - 29 av
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shoftim aug. 30 - 6 elul
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ki teitzei sept. 6 - 13 elul
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ki tavo sept. 13 - 20 elul
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Nitzavim sept. 20 -27 elul
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5785 - תשפ”ה
“May the One who blessed our fathers, Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, bless those who provide wine for Kiddush... May the Holy One Source of Blessing, give them their reward, heal their entire body, pardon all their sins, and send blessings and success to all their endeavors. Amen.”
Celebrate your next special occasion by hosting a Kiddush! Contact Rabbi Yaacov to reserve a particular kiddush date
Rosh Hashana oct. 3-4
Jack Goldberg
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Ha’azinu Oct. 5 - 3 Tishrei
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Yom Kipur - breakfast Oct. 12- 10 Tishrei
Gary Belkin
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Sukkot Oct. 17-19 - 15-17 Tishrei
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Simchat torah oct. 24-25 - 23 Tishrei
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Breisheet oct. 26 - 24 tishrei
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Noach Nov. 2 - 1 Cheshvan
Ross Feldman
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Lech Lecha Nov. 9 - 8 Cheshvan
Ben Bivas
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vayeira Nov. 16 - 15 Cheshvan
Ellen & Barry Heyman
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Chayei sara Nov. 23 - 22 Cheshvan
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Toldot Nov. 30 - 29 Cheshvan
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Vayeitzei dec. 7 - 6 kislev
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vayishlach dec. 14 - 13 kislev
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vayeishev dec. 21 - 20 kislev
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mikeitz dec. 28 - 27 kislev
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Vayigash jan. 4 - 4 Tevet
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Vayechi jan. 11 - 11 Tevet
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shemos jan. 18 - 18 Tevet
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Va’eira jan. 25 - 25 Tevet
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Bo FEb. 1 - 3 shevat
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Beshalach FEb. 8 - 10 shevat
Celebrating 74 years of the Rebbe’s leadership
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yisro FEb. 15 - 17 shevat
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Mishpatim FEb. 22 - 24 shevat
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Terumah Mar. 1 - 1 Adar
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Tetzaveh Mar. 8 - 8 Adar
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purim Feast Mar. 14 - 14 Adar
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Ki Sisa Mar. 15 - 15 Adar
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vayakhel Mar. 22 - 22 Adar
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